Our Story


The field of psychology has come a long way since the days when we looked at people as a collection of symptoms and defined them according to all the things gone wrong with them. Today we more and more believe that people are first and foremost whole and healthy, and they already possess within them, everything they will ever need in order to heal and grow.

My job is to peel away the outer fog caused by pain and difficulty so that they can touch into their own natural wisdom and potential for wholeness and health. The main ingredient required for this process of return to health is conscious presence and mindfulness — the ability to get out of one’s thoughts and land with two feet in the reality of one’s existence.



The surest way between the mind and the body are our own five senses and pure awareness. It is to this journey that we invite you to join us by letting your senses lead you back to yourself. To your most whole, relaxed, and present self. We have created a product which will stimulate your sense of sight, smell, and touch to bring pleasure and relaxation on the journey back home.